Pursuant to the SCSC Governance Training Policy, new governing board members, as defined in the guidance, are required to attend the SCSC-provided training for new governing board members. Schools that have met operational standards on CPF for the last year available may request an exception to this requirement to use an SBOE-approved alternate training provider. The request must be submitted by an officer of the governing board or school leader.

Download this pdf file. Governance Training Policy
Download this pdf file. Governance Training Guidance


Enter the name of the state charter school.
Provide the name(s) of the governing board member(s) requiring new memeber training. Separate multiple names with a comma. 
Enter the name of the SBOE-approved alternate training provider.
Explain why the exception is being requested.

Certification Statement

I certify that I am authorized to request this exception on behalf of the state charter school. I further certify that the alternate provider will offer training that adheres to the requirements set forth in the SCSC Governance Policy and guidance. I understand that the school will absorb all expenses related to training offered by an alternate provider and acknowledge that the SCSC is providing training free of cost that this/these board member(s) is/are declining.

Certification Statement
I certify that I am authorized to request this exception on behalf of the state charter school. I further certify that the alternate provider will offer training that adheres to the requirements set forth in the SCSC Governance Policy and guidance. I understand that the school will absorb all expenses related to training offered by an alternate provider and acknowledge that the SCSC is providing training free of cost that this/these board member(s) is/are declining.
Name and email address of the person submitting this request.